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We've revived the Northwind Traders database from the Access days!
Northwind Traders is a sample application built using .NET 8, ASP.NET Core and Entity Framework Core. Now updated based on SSW's new Clean Architecture Template.

Learn about Clean Architecture in 5 minutes:

The code can be found in our
GitHub repo
Demonstrates Clean Architecture
Northwind365 is a sample application beautifully demonstrates Clean Architecture (CA).
Because its built with CA, technologies at different layers can be changed out to suit your needs
As OSS, benefits from contributions from the developer community
Familiar Context
Based on the old Northwind Traders database so you can see how the modernized approach compares
Swagger gives you a nice UI automatically generated on top of your WebAPI methods
See Our Rules to Better REST
Where can I learn more about
Clean Architecture?
What is Northwind365?
Northwind365 is the Northwind Traders database we all learned the basics on decades ago, but revived for the modern era. Northwind365 is rebuilt from the ground up using Clean Architecture.
What technologies are used in Northwind365?
Northwind365 is built in ASP.NET Core with Entity Framework Core, with an Angular UI. It also makes extensive use of AutoMapper and MediatR.
Can I use other databases or UIs in Northwind365?
Yes! That’s the beauty of CA – you can switch out whatever technologies you like.
How can I contribute to Northwind365?
Head over to GitHub and fork the repository. See the community guidelines for contribution guidance on submitting a PR.
How can I contribute to the SSW Clean Architecture Template?
Head over to GitHub and fork the repository. See the community guidelines for contribution guidance on submitting a PR.